27 April 2010

Colonist got upset because of all the taxes imposed

The British dept was doubled as a consequence of the seven year war. They also gained some territory that now they had to protect.

British in England pay for the taxes and the depts. They pay more taxes than the ones in the colonies. For

these reasons the parliament said that colonies had to pay more taxes.

In order to pay for the dues, colonial merchants relied on smuggling.

George Grenville proposed raising money by raising duties already there.

That’s how all the acts rose.

Sugar act: a revenue raising act. The Molasses act had imposed a tax of six pence per gallon of molasses. It had never been effectively collected due to colonial evasion. By reducing the rate by half and increasing measures to enforce the tax, the British hoped that the tax would actually be collected.

Molasses: Thick syrup produced during the refining of sugar.

Quartering act: this act was used by the British in the colonies to make sure that the soldiers had housing and provisions. People were told to let the British soldiers live at their house and provide them food.

Stamp act: was a tax imposed by the British Parliament on the colonies. The act required that many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper produced in London and carrying an embossed tax stamp. These printed

materials were legal documents, magazines, newspapers and many other types of paper used in the colonies. Like previous taxes, the Stamp ta

x had to be paid in British money, not in colonial paper money. The purpose of the tax was to help pay for troops.

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